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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

31,084 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Aug 22, 2021

Very informative! Thanks for having this course free so that more people who are starting to learn about eating properply (like me) will be able to get access to authentic and legit lessons on food ;)


Jun 21, 2018

It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!

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501 - 525 of 8,889 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Gritten K


Apr 10, 2024

i love how nicely in small parts it was made. the information was actual and dense to keep me focused. i can always pause the video and try to understand bits and pieces myself, but i cannot handle hours of useless over explanation. For this course it was great and more informative than i expected. i do recommend

By Amanda L


Jul 1, 2019

While focusing on bettering my health and nutrition these last few months I have learned a lot, this course helped to capitalize on some of those lessons. From this specific course I took away a few insightful ways to manage what my family eats, how we eat, when we eat and ways to keep enjoying the foods we love.

By dboskma


Nov 5, 2016

This has been quite an interesting course for me. I have had an interest in health and nutrition for quite some years. This was for me basically a refresher. This course was really good for that as it was complete and compact. All the info needed to learn in 4 lessons that were easy to follow. Highly recommended.

By Ayub N K


Jul 31, 2021

This course is very effective in today's world of processed food. I think each and everyone should know the basics of food that we take everyday to live. This course gives us a comprehensive information and ideas to understand about food and its purpose. Thanks the team that made this course an interesting one.

By Juliana G


Jan 17, 2019

Un curso espectacular, lleno de herramientas, tips y explicaciones alrededor del tema de la nutrición y la salud que resultan muy fáciles y rápidas de entender.

Además proporciona un conocimiento que puede ser aplicado a la vida diaria, ayudando a mejorar la toma de decisiones al momento de alimentarse y mercar.

By Avril S


Nov 21, 2021

I had such fun with this course. I have just moved out at the age of 23 and was honestly so eager to kick off with good habits from the start. This course gives you fantastic fundamentals to healthy eating, and as someone who eats fully plant-based, and enjoys learning - it is definitely a course I'd recommend.

By Dr. P T


Jan 14, 2021

One of the most fundamental course on food and nutrition which is presented in the most effective way to consolidate your understanding on food and nutrition . It's a must attend course for anyone who not only wishes to improve their understanding on food and nutrition but also apply in their day to day lives.

By Lori S


May 10, 2020

Very informative course on healthy eating! A variety of formats used in the teaching, including lectures, interviews, workshops, makes it easy and fun to follow. The Content is Practical and useful. I enjoyed it very much. Highly recommended for anyone who is interested in establishing healthy eating habits.

By Luann T


Feb 10, 2019

This course is a very basic course on nutrients and nutrition, with the added bonus of a number of easy to fix recipes and guidelines on how to shop in a grocery store. It is an overview only, but one that provides easy to understand explanations. I would recommend this to anyone starting out in this subject.

By Redfella


Jan 29, 2019

Really good presentation dealing with our attitude towards food. Provides a very digestible overview of the science and practical tips on shopping, preparation and making good food choices. Helps to destroy myths about food that are often used as excuses for not taking responsibility for one's choices. In sh

By Gurudutt K


Dec 16, 2020

Awesome course. Both Maya and Michael were fantastic. Loved the short, information packed, videos. Loved the Note feature. Quizzes were good too. Need a more indepth course too. This was truly very basic. Many thanks for a fantastic learning experience. I have started eating healthy...the proof of the course!

By Kyle H


May 7, 2020

For a beginner in nutrition this course is great! Everyone should know what they are eating, just like they should know what their health is telling them, since food can be directly tied to your health. Great beginners course, great guest, great instructor, great school, and great information. Cannot complain!

By Tamar J


Apr 7, 2019

I had very basic knowledge about food and nutrition. I hate cooking at home and think that it isn't worth spending time on... But after this course I think I revise my findings and try to eat more healthy and cook at home. I have many questions, this is basic course and recommended for starters in this field:)

By Adalis F P


Jan 20, 2018

Wonderfull done, the explanation by MD Maya Adam and the observations of Tim Dang are fantastique: claire and very well ilustreted, It is so interesting to learn better how, when, where, and what to eat , if you have a general idea, with this training you will be more accure that you eat healthier and better.

By niky L


Nov 26, 2016

I'm a student form China exactly. I thought it may be difficult for me to learn in English originally, but illustrated with the lively and vivid cartoon, the course is more efficient and thorough to understand. Anyway, thanks all who provide such a exquisite and meaningful course for us to learn about. Thanks.

By Maria I V


Jan 20, 2016

I really enjoy the course. I learn a lot of things about food that i didn't know.

On the other hand I realized I was wrong about the amount of food we eat , the portions and the way of thinking about food.

It's a very interesting course, the material is very clear. I enjoyed very much!!!

Greetings from Colombia

By Jhezica A B


May 3, 2020

Es un curso básico pero muy completo, un viaje introductorio con tips esenciales para mejorar estilos de vida y aproximarnos a opciones más saludables. Me reconforta saber que voy por buen camino en mi relación con loa alimentos sin caer en compras potenciales de alimentos orgánicos y que cuestan mas dinero.

By Meghan E


Apr 21, 2020

Maya's videos at the end were a great way to reinforce the idea that WE are in charge of what food goes into our bodies. And also, the foods don't need to be super glamorous or fancy, tasty and nutritious do not have to be opposites! Great introductory course to learning about how to fuel our bodies. Thanks!!

By Derek J B


Sep 12, 2017

Just what I needed to take better control of my relationship with food and what I put in my body. I walked away with a basic understanding of nutrition and am more empowered than ever to cook. It's true, we make cooking out to be an arduous task but in reality it's fun, rewarding, and it can be pretty simple.

By jesus c


Oct 10, 2022

Me gusto el curso, soy licenciado en nutrición y lo tome solo por curiosidad, y apesar de ser temas básicos los aborda de una manera bastante entendible y resumida, tanto así que lo recomendaré para mis pacientes, es un curso que pueden tomar y ayudarles un poco a entender más sobre alimentación y nutrición.

By jagdish s


Mar 9, 2021

The contents and the way of teaching with practical examples by Maya is excellent. Nutrition and its components calories and nutrients is explained nicely. Maya had given the course a deep learning way by inducting the friendly home environment which reflects the sincerity, utmost interest and the workshops.

By marie t


Apr 11, 2020

This was a really good, clear and concise introduction to food and health. I thought the information was presented well and in a manner that was not overbearing or fanatical but rather, honest and achievable. I would recommend this course to those who need inspiration for creating a healthy lifestyle change.

By Rafael A


Mar 9, 2016

The course is great for beginners in nutrition, it helps dissolve a lot of the misinformation in the food industry today and can help change our eating habits with some helpful tips and lessons. A follow-up course would be needed to really expand and touch upon the many subjects this course introduces us to.

By Myla A


Jul 25, 2022

It gave me a deeper understanding of the effects of some nutrients on our bodies. This course changed some false ideas which I learned in the past about eating a healthy meal. I learned how sugar adversely affects health as it is the cause of many serious ailments. This course was truly enlightening for me.

By ankur p


Dec 24, 2018

This course really introduces the basics of food & health in a very simple yet effective manner. Great thing is, it goes in to details which are necessary without making it too technical. It also covers a little bit of history, basically as a introductory course which is adds value to the overall knowledge.